Does Your Child Need a Digital Detox?

In today's digital age, technology has become an integral part of daily living. As adults, who typically have more self-control than children, can find difficulty in setting aside our convenient and compelling devices. That said, children are more connected than ever due to the advantages of technology. From tablets to smartphones to gaming consoles, screens have become an important tool for all ages. While technology offers many educational, entertainment, and connection opportunities, it’s very essential to recognize when it may be time for a break—a digital detox.

According to OSF HealthCare, the average daily screen time for children in 2023 varies by age group, not including time spent on schoolwork:

  • 8–10 years old: 6 hours

  • 11–14 years old: 9 hours

  • 15–18 years old: 7.5 hour

People are free to spend as much time as they like in front of a screen, but we have to acknowledge that the average amount of time spent on technology is getting out of control when it comes to children's health and well-being. The advantages of a digital detox are fairly listed below, however there are drawbacks to children using screens excessively, including problematic concerns with sleep, anxiety, behavior, vision, attention, mood, social skills, learning, addiction, and the list goes on! 

Is the temporary satisfaction of allowing a child to spend more than a few hours daily on a digital device more important than their development as a growing individual?


  • If your child becomes irritable or anxious when they can't access their devices, it could be a sign of over-dependence on screen time.

  • A noticeable decline in physical activity or outdoor play may indicate that your child is spending too much time in front of screens.

  • Difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or changes in sleep patterns might be linked to too much screen exposure, especially before bedtime.

  • If your child is opting out of family time, social gatherings, or playing with friends to spend time online, it may be time to reassess their screen habits.

  • A decline in school performance, lack of focus during homework, or procrastination in favor of screen time could signal the need for a digital detox.


  • Improved Sleep

  • Enhanced Concentration

  • Improved Physical Health

  • Better Social Interactions

  • Boosted Creativity

  • Reduced stress & anxiety

  • Better relationships

  • Enhanced productivity

  • Increased mindfulness

  • Increased engagement in activities

  • Lower rate of obesity or mental illness


  • Establish screen-free times or boundaries, such as during meals or before bedtime, to limit technology use.

  • Promote activities like reading, outdoor play, or arts and crafts to engage your child in non-digital pastimes.

  • Model healthy screen habits yourself to show your child the importance of balance.

  • Consider gradually reducing their screen time rather than going cold turkey if your child is heavily reliant on screens, which can make the transition easier.

  • Frame the detox as a positive change for the whole family, rather than a punishment. This will help your child see it as a chance to explore new interests and activities.

While screens are a big part of modern life, maintaining a healthy balance is crucial. A digital detox can offer both you and your child the opportunity to reconnect with the world around them, improve their well-being, and develop healthier habits. By being mindful of your child’s screen time and setting boundaries, you can help them reap the benefits of technology while avoiding its potential downfalls.


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