MDT Professionals

Are you a professional in local law enforcement or child welfare?

Below you will find information on Karly’s Law, educational content for MDT members, and an electronic form to sign our Interagency Agreement.

Karly’s Law

Karly’s Law is named after a 3-year-old Corvallis girl who died from abuse after allegations went unchecked. The law mandates that children in Oregon who exhibit suspicious physical injuries in the course of a child abuse investigation must receive medical attention within 48 hours. Since 2008, Karly’s Law has helped thousands of Oregon children receive medical care and support related to suspected abuse.

Karly’s Law imposes specific requirements on law enforcement, Department of Human Services (DHS) employees and designated medical providers who have received specialized training to assess injuries that may have been caused by child abuse.

To promote a basic understanding of the law and its requirements, the Oregon Network of Child Abuse Intervention Centers and the Oregon Department of Justice created a training video, What You Need to Know about Karly’s Law ». The video is intended for Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) members in Oregon and anyone at any MDT member agency who is involved in child abuse investigations.

This video was made possible by funding from the Children’s Justice Act Task Force Subcommittee of the Child Welfare Advisory Council.

Recognize any of these signs?

Suspicious physical injuries include, but are not limited to:

  • burns or scalds.

  • extensive bruising or abrasions on any part of the body.

  • bruising, swelling or abrasions on the head, neck or face.

  • fractures of any bone in a child under the age of three.

  • multiple fractures in a child of any age.

  • dislocations, soft tissue swelling or moderate to severe cuts.

  • loss of the ability to walk or move normally according to the child’s developmental ability.

  • unconsciousness or difficulty maintaining consciousness.

  • multiple injuries of different types.

  • injuries causing serious or protracted disfigurement or loss of impairment of the function of any bodily organ.

  • any other injury that threatens the physical well-being of the child.

Suspicious injuries must be addressed as Karly’s Law requires.

Resources for MDT Members

For more information about Karly’s Law protocol, procedures:

Yamhill County MDT Interagency Agreement

Each Children's Advocacy Center (CAC) is required by our national accreditation to have a written interagency agreement that has been signed by an authorized representative of each partner agency or member of the multidisciplinary team (MDT). Through the formalization of interagency cooperation and the dedication to MDT/CAC practice and policy, these agreements guarantee the continuation of practice despite changes in staff, department heads, and elected officials.


Juliette’s House Child Advocacy Center
Yamhill County ODHS Child Welfare
McMinnville Police Department
Newberg-Dundee Police Department
Yamhill County Sheriff’s Office
Carlton Police Department
Yamhill Police Department
Yamhill County District Attorney’s Office
Yamhill County Office of Crime Victim Assistance 

We have established a cooperative and collaborative effort between the undersigned agencies, wherein a multidisciplinary team approach will be utilized in the investigation, assessment, referral for prosecution, medical and therapeutic treatment involving child victims of abuse. 

Each of the undersigned agencies has specific responsibilities with regard to the investigation, assessment, medical/therapeutic treatment, and prosecution of cases of child abuse. We agree to support the concept and adhere to the guidelines as outlined. We understand that on occasion exceptions to these guidelines will be necessary. We, the undersigned, do hereby acknowledge that the work of the Yamhill County Multidisciplinary Team will unify our community in the daily struggle to ensure the protection of our children. 


  1. The members of the multidisciplinary team will collaborate to ensure that the best interest and protection of children will be served.

  2. Each collaborating agency agrees to utilize a multidisciplinary team approach which includes:

    • Initial interviews of children will be conducted at a Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) whenever possible. Reasonable efforts will be made by each agency to coordinate each step of the investigation/assessment process in order to minimize the number of interviews and interviewers to which the child is subjected, thus reducing the potential trauma to the child and improving case outcomes.

    • Collaborating agencies acknowledge the importance of medical examinations as part of forensic evaluations whenever possible. Information gathered in the medical evaluation assures appropriate follow-up, treatment, and referral when necessary.

    • Trauma Informed Mental Health Assessment and Treatment are coordinated by the multidisciplinary team for victims and their families.

    • Advocacy services will be provided on-site or as otherwise coordinated by the team throughout the investigation.

    • Agencies participating in current investigations are expected to attend Case Review meetings as scheduled.

  3. The role of a law enforcement agency is to investigate and determine whether or not a crime has been committed, and to present information to the proper authorities for prosecution. 

  4. The role of children’s protective services (CPS) is for the protection of children from harm by their parents or others responsible for their care. CPS is responsible for conducting an assessment to determine the degree of risk to the children, to make efforts to ensure their safety, and to provide services for rehabilitation to the family. 

  5. The role of the prosecutor is to assess the legal aspects of the case in accordance with his/her prosecutorial role. 

  6. All agencies will be invited and encouraged to attend relevant trainings when available. 

  7. It is expressly understood that each agency will work within its departmental mandates and policies. Nothing contained herein supersedes the statutes, rules, and regulations governing each agency. To the extent that any provision of this agreement is inconsistent with any such statute, rule or any regulation, the statute, rule or regulation shall prevail. 

  8. Collaborating agencies/organizations agree to provide trained professionals with skills in interviewing, assessment, and investigation to handle cases of child abuse. 

  9. Any conflict or divergence from the protocols and procedures that occur between agencies regarding cases being addressed at the CACs shall be discussed by the designated agency representative and the CAC director.  

  10. All personnel agree to maintain confidentiality of all records and information gathered on all child abuse cases and preserve the privileged nature of said records and information within the bounds allowed by law. They also agree that they will immediately share pertinent case information with the appropriate agency except as prohibited by law; and will provide required reporting information for the National Children’s Alliance case tracking data system. 

  11. This Interagency Agreement shall be reviewed annually by the multidisciplinary team. Any desired modifications will be discussed and decided by the MCAT Executive Committee. If after notifying all agencies any concerns regarding changes exist, a meeting will be scheduled of the MCAT Executive Committee to negotiate an agreeable solution. These guidelines and policies and procedures may be modified as follows: 

    • To conform to existing or new statutes, rules, regulations, or departmental policies which may conflict with any provisions of these guidelines;

    • To better meet the needs of families and children in the provision of child abuse related services;

    • To improve the procedures set forth in these guidelines;

    • To add or delete agencies as parties to these guidelines;

    • For such other purpose as the parties may agree.

  12. As agencies become parties to this agreement, they agree to follow the guidelines and provisions as outlined in this agreement and the respective CAC’s Policies and Procedures.